Ditch Drainage Improvements
Project: Belfield Ditch Drainage Improvements - Moss Bluff, LA To help aleviate flooding near the Belfield area in Moss Bluff, we are installing a 54' long 23' wide aluminum box culvert...16' underground. Normal culverts for a ditch range from 15" - 60". Water should...
Hydroseeder at West Cal Port.
Project: West Cal Port With a break in the rain a couple of weeks ago, we were finally able to try out the hydroseeder at West Cal Port.
Cutting down to grade using Trimble GCSFlex
Project: Lake Charles College Prep - New Campus Civil Construction Work Heavy Civil Construction

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Since 1982
HD Truck & Tractor, LLC
5501 Opelousas Street
Lake Charles, LA 70615
Phone: (337) 439-9710
Fax: (337) 439-0078